Mother of man who died after injecting his testicles with silicone blames his bondage master

The distraught mother insisted that Dylan Hafertepen was responsible for her son's death. "If he never met you, he would still be alive."

The Daily Mail reported that Linda Chapman appeared on the Australian show "The Project" for a confrontational session. She was facing her son's former "master."

Hafertepen, an American, is reportedly the "bondage master" of a "sex cult" based in Seattle. The leader gives members their identity and they do what he tells them to. Often, he requested extreme body modifications.

Linda said: "What sort of person injects into their balls... what sort of person does that?"

She added:

"Someone who feels so badly about themselves, someone who was vulnerable, who just wanted your love at any cost. And it cost him his life."

Hafertepen required his members, who were called "pups," to sometimes enlarge their scrotum. Jack Chapman was said to have died from "silicone embolism syndrome" after doing the procedure.

The 28-year-old passed away last month after the silicone caused a viral inflammation known as pneumonitis. It resulted in hemorrhaging of his lungs.

Hafertepen did not inform Linda of what had happened. Nor was she alerted when he was in the hospital for a week. Hafertepen, who goes by the nickname "Noodles and Beef," received the full brunt of Linda's anger on "The Project."

"I didn't get a chance to say goodbye, he was in the hospital for about a week, and nobody thought a mother might want to know?"

Hafertepen claimed that Jack, who was referred to as "Tank Heathcliff Hafertepen" or "Pup Tank" in the cult, specifically told his master not to notify his mother "unless absolutely necessary."

Linda asked:

"Don't you think it was necessary when he was on a ventilator in an induced coma?"

Hafertepen mentioned his lack of enjoyment of the "animosity" Linda was showing. But the mother was unapologetic. She even told Hafertepen "I wish you were dead."

"I wish I were dead too, Linda," he responded.

Holding a picture of Jack in front of Hafertepen, she said:

"That's my son, that's my Jack. This is my son, not what you turned him into. Not what you wanted him to be. Bigger, bigger, bigger."

Hafertepen had flown to Australia to give Linda her son's ashes. At one point, she pointed out how even the crematorium mentioned the speediness of her son's cremation.

She also mentioned the $200,000 of Jack's inheritance that would go to Hafertepen according to his will. Jack had revised the will just three weeks before his death.

“You didn’t think of his autistic brother, on a disability pension. $200,000 is a pretty good price, isn’t it?”

Hafertepen claimed her intended to give it to Ben, presumably Jack's brother. But when asked to put it in writing he said: "Not with this animosity."

Finally, Linda said she hated him. Hafertepen later left the meeting and broke down in tears. On his website, he wrote a tribute:

"If [Tank] was my world, I was his sun; he made me feel like the centre of his universe. To say I “miss him” is an understatement. Core to his identity was his service. He lived to help people, and was happiest helping those he loved."

Hafertepen denies forcing Jack to take the silicone injections. According to the NY Post, the Seattle Police Department and King County Medical Examiner’s Office said:

"[The departments] have reviewed the medical file related to this death, as well as concerns from the community. There is no criminal investigation at this time."

Back in 2015, a similar incident involved a butt-injection. The illegal act took the life of Wykesha Reid in South Dallas. Denise Rochelle Ross and Jimmy Joe Clarke were both charged with murder and practicing without a medical license.

Official reports of the person who injected Jack with silicone have not yet been released. His mother continues to hope for justice.
