Is Snape Dracos godfather? #1 Official Stars, Business & People Network, Wik

No. Rowling has never said anything to indicate that Snape is Draco’s godfather in the books or otherwise.

Is Snape Draco’s dad? Lucius Malfoy, Draco’s father, was Snape’s friend and fellow Death Eater. Snape owed a great deal to Lucius. So, naturally, Snape would treat Draco specially. Draco Malfoy was in Slytherin and despite everything, Snape still gave special treatment to all the Slytherins in general.

What relation is Draco Malfoy to Sirius Black? The Malfoys are related to the Black family through Narcissa (a first cousin of Sirius Black, Harry’s godfather), which makes Draco a nephew of both Bellatrix Lestrange and Andromeda Tonks.

Beside above Who did Draco marry at the end of Harry Potter? Draco married the younger sister of a fellow Slytherin. Astoria Greengrass, who had gone through a similar (though less violent and frightening) conversion from pure-blood ideals to a more tolerant life view, was felt by Narcissa and Lucius to be something of a disappointment as a daughter-in-law.

Is Snape related to Bellatrix?

Bellatrix attended Hogwarts with Rodolphus Lestrange and were part of a gang of other Slytherin students which also included Lucius Malfoy, Evan Rosier, and Severus Snape, all of whom became Death Eaters. She later married him in order to make a “respectable pure-blood marriage”, as it was expected of her.

Who is Sirius brother? Sirius had a younger brother, Regulus Arcturus Black, and three older cousins: Bellatrix Lestrange, Andromeda Tonks (his favourite cousin and mother of Nymphadora Tonks), and Narcissa Malfoy (mother of Draco Malfoy).

Simply so, Was James Potter a bully? James was a bully in school — to the point that even the biggest of James Potter apologists can’t deny this. He mercilessly teased Snape, and in one particularly horrific memory, hung him upside down and exposed him in front of the entire school.

Who is Snape’s daughter? Arabella Lily Snape (b. 12 June 1981) was a half-blood witch and was the only daughter of Professor Severus Snape and an unknown descendant of Slytherin. She attended Hogwarts from 1992 until her death in 1998.

Who was Sirius Black in love with?

Sirius Black had a lot of love in his life. Mainly for his best friends but still. One of the greatest loves came not from his connection to James Potter but rather with his relationship to Remus Lupin. The two had an interesting dynamic and one that fans seemed to gravitate towards.

How are Harry and Voldemort related? Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort Are Distant Cousins

Ignotus Peverell was the youngest, and the one who had the Cloak of Invisibility. … This means that Harry Potter and Voldemort are (very) distant cousins due to their links to the Peverell brothers.

Is Draco and Harry related?

Just like Harry Potter and Voldemort are distant cousins, Harry and Draco are also related by a common ancestor – and all you have to do is take a look at the Black family tree. … Dorea would then be Draco’s great-great-aunt, being the connecting link between Harry and Draco.

Who is Harry Potter’s wife? In the epilogue to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which is set 19 years later, it’s revealed that Harry married Ginny Weasley, Ron’s sister, and they have three children. Ron and Hermione have two kids together.

Who married Ron Weasley?

An epilogue to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and final book in the best-selling series, reveals that Ron and Hermione marry and have two children, while Harry weds Ron’s younger sister Ginny.

Who was Draco’s first kiss?

“Goodnight Draco,” Harry said, blushing as he awkwardly patted him on the head. Draco turned over and gave him a little smirk. “Goodnight Potter.” He leaned forward and kissed Harry gently.

Is Molly Weasley related to Bellatrix? A Family Affair

In Order of the Phoenix, Bellatrix kills her first cousin Sirius, only to later be killed by Molly Weasley (Bellatrix’s second cousin once removed by marriage).

How did Bellatrix get pregnant? Obvious spoiler warning!

Yep, that happened: Bellatrix and Voldemort had sex sometime around Order of the Phoenix or Half-Blood Prince, and their wild night in bed led to a child named Delphi Diggory/Riddle/Lestrange. According to Delphi herself, she was born sometime before the Battle of Hogwarts.

Is Sirius related to Harry?

Sirius and Harry’s relationship is an interesting mix of friends and family too: Sirius is Harry’s godfather and sometimes treats him like a son, but at other times he seems to forget Harry isn’t his best friend, James Potter.

Who stole Horcrux Half Blood Prince? Kreacher admits that he did steal the locket after it was thrown out two years ago, but he says that it’s now gone—stolen by Mundungus Fletcher. Kreacher refers to the locket as “Master Regulus’s,” and Harry demands to know why, ordering Kreacher to tell them everything he knows about the locket.

What does Sirius fall into?

Sirius Black fell into the Veil, which is a one-way portal to death in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. He was not dead when he fell in, he died after falling into it.

Why was Peter Pettigrew in Gryffindor? Peter Pettigrew got into Gryffindor, even though he was a coward, because he valued the traits of courage and chivalry. He wasn’t courageous or chivalrous, though, but he valued those traits and wanted to be like the big boys he admired.

Was Harry Potters dad mean?

All Potter fans know the story: Harry glimpses Snape’s “Worst Memory” in fifth year and discovers that his father was not the great guy that any orphaned child would prefer to envision. His dad was a horrible bully who tormented fellow classmates and had a towering ego to match.

What is James Potter’s animagus? James Potter

James’s Animagus form was that of a stag, which earned him his nickname, Prongs. Strikingly, Harry’s Patronus was a stag and his mother Lily’s was a doe, a female deer, showing that the family’s characters were in harmony and formed part of the same animal group.

Why did Harry Potter’s dad bully Snape?

Despite not remembering his parents, Harry held them in high esteem. This faltered slightly where his father was concerned. He learned that James had been something of a bully in his youth, witnessing a memory of Snape’s, in which James and Sirius picked on and humiliated Snape simply because they were bored.

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